Installing eGenuity on a PC

Installing eGenuity on a PC


  1. (This is only done if it’s a cashier PC, otherwise the device name doesn’t matter) Change computer name in the format chain - id-site id-workstation description.

  2. Add eGenuity windows user and change account type to administrator. Use the ‘eGenuity Admin’ password from Keeper.

  3. Copy the entire eGenuity folder which is located at '\LZ Files' and specific eGenuityInstall folders as shown in the screenshot below. Also, grab the Zoho Assist folder (not pictured).

  4. Install crystal reports 32-bit and then 64-bit versions. They are located in the ‘eGenuityInstall\Crystal Reports’. If you run into errors during installation simply reboot that workstation and try again.

  5. If Business Operations is needed, then send boAgent to the desktop, otherwise, only send eGenuity application shortcuts to the windows desktop. Rename boAgent to Business Operations.

  6. (This step is only completed on cashier PCs, otherwise, skip this step) Right click the Business Operations shortcut and choose properties. Add “11” to the target line for cashier stations or “12” for a bay 1 station.

  7. Run command prompt as administrator. Then type in “cd drivers/etc” followed by “notepad hosts” to edit the windows hosts file.

  8. Enter private IP address of the site server. Then enter the site server computer name “.egenuitydns.com” and save. Note this is not the entry, only an example.

  9. Now you should be able to login to eGenuity or Business Operations.

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